book reviews — Stratford Man and Julian Comstock

Some weeks, I have nothing interesting to blog about.  This is one of those weeks.

I spent it variously at my parents’ in Iowa, in transit, and out on the Cape over New Year’s with friends, and I got very little productive done.  Between the time spent on planes and the time spent just chilling, I did, however, finish a couple books and write up reviews of them for MITSFS’s reviews site. (They’re not posted on MITSFS’s site yet, so I’ve linked them locally for now, and I’ll edit the links to point to MITSFS’s site when they’re up.) Here they are:

I don’t think it’s spoiling the reviews to say that I enjoyed both books, really. Oh, also, apparently since I bought a membership to last year’s WorldCon, I’m eligible to nominate for this year’s Hugo Awards. Anybody have suggestions for things published in 2009 that I should read in the next couple months because they might be worth nominating? (No promises, of course.)

Edit: My reviews are now up on the MITSFS book reviews site! Here is the review of The Stratford Man, and here the review of Julian Comstock.