
' The other great reason to have a blog: transporting stuff w/o e-mail!

Sub Main()
    Dim myArray() As String
    Dim tempChar As String
    Dim tempString As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim LastFilePosition As Integer
    Dim LastElement As Integer

    Open "h:\kvnrggl\test.txt" For Input As #1

    LastFilePosition = 0
    LastElement = 0

    For i = 1 To LOF(1)
        If i = LOF(1) Then
            Debug.Print "it's time"
        End If
        tempChar = Input(1, #1)
        If (tempChar = Chr(10)) Or (tempChar = Chr(13)) Or (i = LOF(1)) Then
            If (LastFilePosition + 1) <> i Then
                If (i = LOF(1)) Then tempString = tempString & tempChar
                ReDim Preserve myArray(LastElement) As String
                myArray(LastElement) = tempString
                Debug.Print myArray(LastElement)
                tempString = ""
                LastElement = LastElement + 1
            End If
            LastFilePosition = i
            tempString = tempString & tempChar
        End If
    Next i

    Close #1
End Sub

Whoa… It's been more than a month since I last posted. A lot has happened in between.

Carousel went quite well — I was the Starkeeper/Dr. Seldon. I've got some pictures up… This one (random.jpg [local, ~15kb]) is just some random guys in the production (L-R: myself; Trent, a sailor; Travis, a son of Mr. Snow; Ben, the Captain of the Nancy B.; Brett, Enoch Snow, Jr.; and Mark, Mr. Bascombe). three.jpg is Adam, Billy Bigelow; Drew, the Heavenly Friend; and myself. This (closeup.jpg) is, predictably, a closeup of me… you can see what we did to my hair. Also,
…and the last one (add.jpg [~20kb]) doesn't show me, but it's kind of funny. Left to right, it's Eddie, Mr. Enoch Snow (holding the stool); Alli, Julie Bigelow nee Jordan; Dani, Carrie; and Drew, the Heavenly Friend. (It's not that I'm egotistic with all these pictures of myself — that's just all my mom was able to get!) All in all, a fun time!

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick post… Had NW Iowa Honor Band yesterday. I made 4th Horn and more importantly got to talk to some people from other parts of NW Iowa I know. I also found a vest for my part as Dr. Seldon in Carousel (which is the musical we're doing this year.) Musical is this week Friday and Saturday, and we have lengthy practices just about every night. Carousel isn't really the greatest story per se, but the music is all right, especially "When You Walk Through a Storm." That's the big push this week… Next week is the week we all recuperate. Thankfully we have early release on Thursday and no school on Friday so I may be able to sleep in.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. Wish me luck?</grin>

Okay, well, I finally got this ready to go. Combined, they rendered most of the night.

I really wish I could print these out. Unfortunately, our 5-year-old HP Deskjet 1200C (which we bought in 1996 when my grandparents gave us a brand-new 90MHz Pentium with a 1GB hard drive — whooee!) is starting to show its age for photograph printing. Up until a year or so ago, it was running neck-and-neck with the state-of-the-art. However, 1400dpi printers are the norm, whupping our 300dpi absolute max… or at least the printer itself supports 300dpi, but HP doesn't have drivers for it past Windows 3.1, and the Microsoft-supplied drivers stink, crosshatching instead of dithering or dithering nastily. In short, not a pretty situation for a graphics guy — and this is why I don't want to print it out. (My dog broke the printer… honest! 😉 I apologize… it's almost 11pm. and I'm rambling.

Let me cut to the chase: Here are the final aestheometry images I'm turning in… the ones marked "Star of Harvest" and "Seawheel"

(I'm afraid the actuality behind my "evocative" titles may not live up to your expectations… aestheometry, while intriguing in a mathematical and occasionally artistic way, can't compare to a painting or a song in terms of general emotional involvement. "Seawheel" comes closest, to my mind — it's among the most "organic" aestheometry I've seen, partly due to its apparent complexity. Still, I find myself thinking I'm "short-changing" such a marvelous title by using it on this aestheometry. And yet I like "Seawheel" enough to consider using it as one element of the banner at the top of this page, whenever I get around to designing some actual graphics for it. I can always reuse the title, too. Sigh… your mileage may vary.)

Actually, "Seawheel" reminds me of the "cherubim" on the cover of the paperback edition of Madeline L'Engle's A Wind in the Door, the sequel to A Wrinkle in Time.

I just looked over what I typed… so much for cutting to some mythical chase, eh?

Anyway, here they are:

"Star of Harvest"
First Trial Run [local, .png]
Second Trial — not final, but cool!
"Star of Harvest"
Tartan — just for the heck of it
Close-up — shows construction

First Trial — ignores "precedence"
w/ Precedence

I got tired of the standard black background on "Star of Harvest," so I changed it to white. It adds something; I'm not sure just what. Maybe white doesn't go with the idea of "star"… thankfully aestheometry is generally abstract and nonrepresentational.

I'm really pleased with the way the random-coloring algorithm worked for "Seawheel" — that combined with the visual effect makes it my favorite, hands down.

I probably won't post the source for the final versions on the web, since I'm going to have trouble keeping my webpage under the 10MB limit our ISP sets just with what I've got on here now. If the links don't work after Monday or so, that's why.

And on that note… GOODNIGHT. [written 23:34 CST]